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  • Tui (Pontevedra)
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Phot 360

Dive into this amazing 360 degree photo of SAN XIAO and look for its resources in any direction.


In addition to its lovely landscapes and panoramic views, the Natural Park of Monte Aloia is rich in natural and cultural heritage. This natural lookout point is located at an altitude of 600 metres, where the great San Xiao cross was erected in 1900, visible from the town of Tui.

From the base of the cross there are views of the course of the Miño, the forests on both the Galician and Portuguese banks, and the length of the river valley. The vistas extend from Salvaterra de Miño to the Santa Trega mount at the mouth of the river. An interesting exercise is to try and identify all the towns and villages along the lower reaches of the Miño: Tui, Valença do Minho, Goián, Vilanova de Cerveira, etc.


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    Ministerio de cultura y deporte

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