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  • Chantada (Lugo)
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Phot 360

Dive into this amazing 360 degree photo of MONTE FARO and look for its resources in any direction.


It is both a scenic and spiritual landmark, being the site of the Ermida da Nosa Señora do Faro, a seventeenth-century hermitage built on top of the remains of older temples, indicating its importance as a place of religious worship. Nowadays it is the destination of two great romerías (pilgrimages) held in August and September and attended by the faithful from all over Galicia.

The O Faro range is also a place of great archaeological importance. Its western flanks are the site of burial tumuli known as mámoas, a characteristic feature of the megalithic culture. These societies buried their dead at the outer limits of the area they considered to be their territory, and the O Faro mountains form an obvious natural frontier.


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  • Xunta de Galicia
  • O Teu Xacobeo

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Ministerio de cultura y deporte

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