Viewpoints on Saint James Way, O teu Xacobeo
The Galician Agency for Tourism supports, through the programme O Teu Xacobeo, the project Viewpoints of the Way of Saint James , with which we intend, in this year Xacobeo 2021, to enhance the value of these attractive spaces, promoting Galicia as a cultural tourism destination, based on the development of innovative contents associated with an element of growing interest in society such as viewpoints, so numerous and eye-catching in Galicia.
The initiative aims to carry out the musealization of 10 viewpoints of the Way of Saint James, selecting a viewpoint for each of the official routes: The French Way, The Fisterra and Muxía Way, The Silver Way, The English Way, The Primitive Way, The Northern Way, The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla, The Winter Way, The Portuguese Way, The Portuguese Way of the coast.
We carried out a previous work of gathering information to create a spatial database of the most outstanding viewpoints of the Way. On the selected viewpoints we will carry out a study of the existing road accesses as well as other elements that favour accessibility. Once the basic cartography has been obtained, we will analyse the elements to be signposted according to their uniqueness, degree of historical-cultural-natural interest, state of conservation, etc. that make them susceptible to interpretation. We draw up a list of elements, agreed by a committee of experts and local bodies, which will verify the above criteria. With this information, we will draw up a basic file on each viewpoint and the resources that can be included in the interpretative group.
In coordination with the heritage technicians, we will select one of the 10 viewpoints for the installation of a technological panoramic table, following objective technical criteria that will allow the interpretation of the most outstanding resources of the place. On this viewpoint we will carry out the conceptualization and exhibition discourse. We will analyse existing projects and initiatives in the area, tracing a thread that gives meaning to the interpretative set and the way in which different places, activities and elements that act on the selected tourist destination come together. To do so, we will prepare the different contents and audiovisual materials, including: photographs 180 and 360, flight with drone, welcome audios and summary of the viewpoint, photographs of the resources, preparation of contents (Spanish, Galician and English).
- 13/12/2020
- 5659